Right now, there are different types of vehicle owners and users of our transportation system that are not paying their fair share to help maintain and improve our roads and bridges.
At least $50 LESS for Electric Vehicle owners and $90 LESS for Hybrid owners
Question – Electric Vehicles
“North Carolina drivers fund state roads and other infrastructure through a combination of gas taxes, which helps ensure the people who use roads the most pay more for road maintenance and upkeep. Electric vehicle owners do not pay a gas tax but are instead charged an annual registration fee of $140 per vehicle. An analysis of data indicates that electric vehicle owners pay $50 less than the comparable average driver that pays the gas tax.
Would you support or oppose an increase to the electric vehicle registration fee so that it is even with average driver fees?”
Question – Hybrid Vehicles
“North Carolina drivers contribute to state infrastructure investments through a combination of taxes, including the gas tax. The average hybrid vehicle in North Carolina has a fuel efficiency of 17.6 more miles per gallon than the state’s average vehicle. An analysis of DMV data indicates that hybrid vehicle owners pay $80 less than the comparable average driver that pays the gas tax.
Would you support or oppose a hybrid vehicle registration fee that would result in hybrid vehicles owners contributing an equal amount in fees as average drivers?”